This family tree contains information gathered over time by myself as well as various other members of the Faure family. It is largely (though not exactly) the same information that you will find in the printed version of the family tree referred to in the Faure website. One of the main differences relate to female members of the family. At present, this tree mention marriages and children of female family members in a note linked to that individual, and the information is not included as part of the tree (as it does in the printed version). Another difference relate to the source of information. Very little is included on this tree whereas the printed list is much more complete. I am in the process of rectifying both of these shortcomings.
Due to the nature of the information contained in a family tree, the work will never be complete. If you are aware of anything that have not yet come to our attention, or if any of the information is incorrect, please be so kind as to let us have the correct information.
We do respect your privacy and will not publish any contact information, nor will we supply or sell any contact information to other parties. The information contained in this family tree consist of information freely available in the public domain. My involvement was largely to arrange the information into a format that is of more relevance and interest in a family context. Should you wish for any information about yourself not to be published, we will be happy to change the information once you let us know.
More photographs of family members will be very welcome. Kindly forward them to the email address below. The same email address is good for any other contact with me.
faure @